WillsIt is difficult to plan for a time when you will not be around to provide for your family and friends or manage your own affairs. The reality is however, that everyone needs a plan. Most individuals have assumptions about where their personal and real property will go when they pass away. They have assumptions or hopes as to how their pensions, life insurance policies and other investments will be used.
Personal and real property can be managed using a fairly simple will. Your wishes regarding guardianships for your children can be detailed in a will. Provisions and trusts can be added to be sure that the property or monies that you want used for the best interest of your children or loved ones is managed by someone you trust. Sometimes, when a will is drafted, one cannot be sure what the best use of certain property or monies will be at the time of his or her death. This issue can also be properly managed with appropriate esta<br>te planning. Some items however, such as life insurance, pensions and other investments cannot properly be managed using a will. For these items see "Trusts" below.
These documents can be prepared, revoked or amended for a reasonable cost in a relatively short period of time.
At times, personal property, real property, life insurance policies, retirement assets and other
investments are best dealt with using a trust. The best use of real property at the time of estate
planning may not be the best use of that very same property at the time of your death. Changes in
property value, and your life, may make the flexibility of a trust your best option. Certain items of
personal property may actually need to be managed, and earn an income, for a trust or a beneficiary
of a trust. Proper estate planning can insure that those you love receive the most benefit from those
items that you want to provide to or for them.
When considering contractual assets, such as life insurance, pensions and other investments or
retirement plans trusts provide for a more flexible option than simply naming a beneficiary. At the
time that you name your beneficiary you may feel confident that he or she will carry out your
wishes when the time comes. Your wishes may include providing for your children, other members
of your family or friends. The use of a trust you can provide flexibility for your trustee and
protections for your intended beneficiaries.
These documents can be prepared, revoked or amended for a reasonable cost in a relatively short period of time.
Power of Attorney
There are many different reasons that someone may require a power of attorney. Some of the
most common reasons include armed forces, medical issues, real estate transactions, elderly or
mentally impaired persons attempting to allow for another to manage their assets and
unavailability for any other reason when there are important documents or decisions that require
signing, executing or completing.
Generally, the process of implementing or revoking a Power of Attorney is relatively inexpensive
and takes little time.
Healthcare Directives and Living Wills
Now is the time to be sure you are prepared if a medical emergency arises. Although each and
every one of use would like to think that we will be in perfect health for many years to come, the
reality is you can never be sure. A healthcare directive and living will can provide the security of
knowing that your family and/or friends will easily be able to direct your health care providers to
follow your wishes and desires. These documents will take the burden and stress of attempting to
make these decisions with no direction away from your family and friends during what will already
be a difficult time.
The security and protection of a Healthcare Directive and Living Will can be provided for
your loved ones at a relatively low cost in limited time. Don't leave this burden for those that are
important to you and be sure that your wishes are followed when you aren't able to make decisions
for yourself.
These documents can be prepared, revoked or amended for a reasonable cost in a relatively short period of time.
Estate Packages
Often more than one of the above documents would benefit you and your loved ones. We offer
packages that will provide more than one of the above documents at lower cost than if each were
drafted individually.
Call for a Free consultation to determine which documents you require or if one of our packages
would work best for you and your loved ones.
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Aggressive and Attentive Legal Services
37 Bay Street
Manchester, NH 03104
(603) 606-2078